5 More Undiscovered Growth Stocks
Game-changing events can happen like that, just as game-changing growth stocks can produce gushing returns for a portfolio. Just ask David Gardner, who captains the good pirate ship Rule Breakers. By discovering and then investing in little-known and frequently misunderstood fast movers, he produced nine years of 20% average annual returns. History told him that these were the best value stocks available.
That's why David and his team still seek to get in early on stocks that are reshaping, or creating, important industries. You can, too, with the help of our completely free-of-charge Motley Fool CAPS investor-intelligence database, which currently contains information on more than 4,400 stocks.
CAPS applies user input to rate stocks from one to five stars. So, using CAPS, we're once again going to search for stocks that haven't yet met the threshold for a star rating, that have a minimum $250 million market cap, and that are expected to grow their earnings by at least 15% annually over each of the next five years.
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