Friday, June 22, 2007


Pogs, Trolls, Giga pets, Skip-it, Pokemon

The days of Giga Pets are long gone, and Pogs may not be available in stores, but most children of the '90s can remember the good ole days when the toys they played with helped them be more creative.

According to students, the toys and games of today are quite different from what they grew up with. Ryan Shaw, a junior in business, said one of his favorite childhood games that isn't played much anymore is "butt ball," a game in which the players throw a ball against a wall and catching it until someone misses a catch. Then the rest get to throw the ball at the backside of the person who missed.

Emilie Thompson, a parks and recreation junior, said some of her favorites were night games. These included classics like hide-n-seek, kick-the-can and flashlight tag. Both Shaw and Thompson agree that many of these games they used to play are becoming extinct.

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